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Welcome to Franklin Health Solutions

About Our Company

Our Background

It all began with a vision of starting something special. We had a passion for innovation in health and providing technology services as well as all the right skills.  Franklin Health Solutions (FHS) was established as a company dedicated to finding cutting-edge solutions and providing great services.  FHS is a California based registered Small Business and certified Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise. To learn more, browse through our site.

Our Services

Exceptional Service

Strategic Advising

When you need to know and you need to know now, we are your go to consultants.  Our consultants have thorough knowledge in a variety of areas in health and public health.  All of our consultants have over 20 years in their subject matter. They have held executive level positions in either private sector organization or public agencies. 


Quality Assured

Relationship Management

Trust and confidence is what your clients want in a business relationship. We will help you create a consistent best practice approach for capturing, protecting and growing strategic accounts. We utilize the powerful combination of process, strategy, and dialogue skills to ultimately build the capability and discipline to drive more predictable outcomes.


Satisfaction Guaranteed

Administrative Services

In today’s dynamic business environment, no one organization can do everything 100 percent effective or efficient.  We provide administrative services that support an organization's mission. Our services include claims evaluation, records management, payment systems management, and project/contract management.

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Superior Performance

Technology Services

On time and on budget as well as delivering the solution fully functioning, that’s what we will do for you.  Information technology (IT) project management is essential to any technology business endeavor as well as the delivery of the completed project as designed. Also, we have partnered with major IT vendors, as a service to our client, we offer quality products and services.

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